Birthstones - Legendary Power

January - Garnet
Garnets are known for their deep red color, but they can also be found in a variety of other colors such as orange, yellow, green, and purple. They are said to symbolize friendship and trust. See Our Collection
February - Amethyst
Amethysts are a violet variety of quartz and are said to symbolize peace and stability. They are also believed to have healing powers and to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth. See Our Collection
March - Aquamarine
Aquamarine is a blue variety of beryl and is said to symbolize courage and hope. They are also believed to have a calming effect and to promote communication and self-expression. See Our Collection
April - Diamond
Diamonds are the hardest known mineral and are said to symbolize eternal love and commitment. They are also believed to bring clarity and to enhance spiritual growth. See Our Collection
May - Emerald
Emeralds are a green variety of beryl and are said to symbolize rebirth and renewal. They are also believed to have healing powers and to promote balance and harmony. See Our Collection
June - Pearl
Pearls are formed within the shells of certain mollusks and are said to symbolize purity and innocence. They are also believed to have a calming effect and to promote balance and harmony. See Our Collection
July - Ruby
Rubies are a red variety of corundum and are said to symbolize passion and power. They are also believed to have a strong connection to the earth and to promote emotional balance and stability. See Our Collection
August - Peridot
Peridot is a green variety of olivine and is said to symbolize strength and protection. They are also believed to have a healing effect on the emotional body and to promote emotional balance and stability. See Our Collection
September - Sapphire
Sapphires are a blue variety of corundum and are said to symbolize wisdom and truth. They are also believed to have a protective effect and to promote spiritual growth. See Our Collection
October - Opal
Opals are a unique gemstone that can display a wide range of colors. They are said to symbolize inspiration and creativity. They are also believed to have a powerful connection to the spiritual realm and to promote spiritual growth. See Our Collection
November - Topaz
Topaz comes in a variety of colors, but it's typically associated with yellow or golden hues. They are said to symbolize love and affection. They are also believed to have a grounding effect and to promote emotional balance and stability. See Our Collection
December - Turquoise
Turquoise is a blue-green mineral and is said to symbolize friendship and good fortune. They are also believed to have healing powers and to promote communication and self-expression. See Our Collection